Welcome to our electronic store (the Website), which is administered in the Republic of Lithuania by the Uzdaroji akcine bendrove „TORVELA“ , legal entity code 124738436, VAT payer’s code LT247384314, registered office address at Smilgiu str. 8, Palanga, the Republic of Lithuania (the Seller).
In our Website you can purchase the original Amber by Torvela jewelry, which are made from amber and other Goods.
We seek that your time spent while shopping on this Website would be a pleasant experience, so we offer you to familiarize with the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods on the Website before buying.
1.1. These Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods becomes the binding legal document to the Seller and the Buyer, after the Buyer, who wishes to purchase the Goods, agrees to it. This document is a an integral and inseparable part of the Rules of the Website, which lays down the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer, the conditions and procedure of purchase and payment of the Goods, the conditions and procedure of delivery and return of the Goods, the liability of the parties and the other provisions, which are related to the purchase-sale of Goods on the Website.
1.2. The Buyer’s consent with the Rules of Purchase-Sale of the Goods is expressed by agreeing with the Rules of the Website, including the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, and approving such consent during each purchase of the Goods by ticking check-box with the confirmation that “I have read and agree with the Rules of the Website” (or the similar text confirming your will). Reference to the Rules available on the Website are given next to the confirmation.
1.3. The Seller gives an opportunity to Buyers to choose and order (by submitting the Order of Goods), also to conclude the Contract on purchase of the Goods on the Website, which is available 7 (seven) days per week.
1.4. The sale on the Website takes place and the Goods are delivered worldwide.
1.5. To buy the Goods on the Website can persons, who are specified in Clause 4.2.1. of the Instructions
of Use of Website, who agree to comply with the conditions, which are specified in Clauses 4.2.3. and 4.2.4. of the Instructions of Use of Website. By submitting the Order of Goods, you confirm that you are the person, who has the right to buy the Goods on the Website according to the requirements of the Rules (including, when it is applicable, you have authorizations to act on behalf of the legal entity) and that all conditions, which are specified in this point, are satisfied, and you are fully responsible for its implementation.
1.6. All Contracts of purchase of the Goods on the Website are concluded in English language. Essential conditions of the Contract and information about the Ordered Goods are submitted to the Buyer (1) at the time of submission of the Order of the Goods on the Website; and (or) (2) together with an automatically generated electronic notification of the Seller on submission of the Order of Goods, which is sent to the Buyer to their indicated e-mail address after submission of the Order of Goods; and (or) (3) if the Buyer wishes, they are submitted in other durable medium by adding them together with the Invoice to shipment of Goods.
1.7. The Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods are made in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, the Law on Consumer Protection, the Rules of Retail Trade and other applicable legal acts, which are valid in the Republic of Lithuania during the preparation of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
1.8. Definitions and expressions, which are written in capital letter in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, shall have the same meaning as it have in the Instructions of Use of Website, unless otherwise is specified in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
2.1. Any Client can submit the Order of Goods on the Website, i. e. either the one, who has registered (created) the Account, or the one, who did not register the Account (with rights of the Guest), but submitted the Personal Data in confirmation form of the Order of Goods.
2.2. In all cases, the Buyer has to read the valid Rules of the Website and express their consent with them before confirming the Order of Goods in accordance with the procedure specified in this Section of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods. The Buyer confirms their acquaintance and consent with the documents of the Rules in the way and conditions, which are specified in the Instructions of Use of Website. The Order of Goods can be submitted and received for the Seller’s processing only if the Buyer is acquainted and consents with the Rules. In any other cases, when the Buyer disagrees with the Rules or particular part of it, they has no right to order the Goods on the Website. By submitting the Order of Goods and expressing the acquaintance and consent with the Rules of the Website, the Customer unconditionally confirms that he has the right to buy Goods on the Website and to conclude the Contract on the purchase thereof.
2.3. In order to conclude the Contract, by performing the technical actions that are available on the Website, also following notices and (or) links that are provided on the Website, the Buyer must submit the Order of Goods to the Seller, i. e.:
2.3.1. to choose one or several Goods that are offered on the Website and after specifying data of each purchasing Good (number of units, etc.) and clicking on the Website’s link "Add to basket", to add them to the cart of Goods in such a way;
2.3.2. after formation of the cart of Goods, i. e. after choosing of all preferred to buy Goods that are offered on the Website, to go to the Website’s icon with the mark of the cart of the Goods and (or) the link “Cart” and click, accordingly, on the icon “See cart” or "Check out". After clicking " See cart " or " Check out ", the Client will be redirected to another Website’s page, where they be able to view their choices (the data of the Order of Goods) and after entering the data, which is requested on the Website, to confirm/submit the Order of Goods, or immediately enter the data, which is requested on the Website, and confirm/submit the Order for the Goods.
2.4. The Order of Goods, which is placed on behalf of the Customer (Buyer), must be confirmed by the Customer by clicking Website’s link "Place order and pay" (or an equivalent link expressing Customer's will) before processing of it. Up to this moment the Buyer has a right to change the Order of Goods by changing selected Goods and (or) the data of Goods, data of method of delivery and payment of Goods.
2.5. After the Customer performs the actions specified in Clause 2.3 of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods and confirms the Order of the Goods in order specified in Clause 2.4 of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, the will of the Customer to conclude the Contract on purchase of Goods with the Seller is expressed in accordance with the provisions of the Rules.
2.6. After the Customer (the Buyer) performs all necessary actions provided for on the Website to submit the Order of Goods to the Seller, it is approved in the corresponding Website’s page that the order is received, the number that is given to the order is indicated and the opportunity to print the confirmation about the order, in which the following summary of information about the Order of Goods is given, is provided:
2.6.1. ordered Goods (name and quantity of the Good);
2.6.2. price of the unit and total price of the Goods, including price of delivery and additional costs (if there
are any);
2.6.3. method of payment that is selected;
2.6.4. method of delivery of the Goods and address.
2.7. In order to confirm the receipt of the Order of Goods, which is submitted by the Buyer, the Seller to the e-mail address that is provided by the Buyer sends the automatically generated e-mail, in which all essential data of the Order of Goods is provided.
2.8. The Seller, after receive of the Order of Goods, which is submitted for processing by you, immediately checks, whether the Goods, which are specified in the Order of Goods (according its nature, quantity and etc.), are in the Seller’s warehouse. If the Seller cannot supply all or part of the Goods that are ordered to the Customer (the Buyer) under the procedure indicated in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods or Rules, the Customer will be informed about the corresponding status of the Order of Goods and will be able to make decision about its execution (partial execution or withdrawal of the whole Order of Good (annulment)). In any case, the Seller has a right to contact you within 3 (three) working days after the submission of your confirmed Order of Goods (Clause 2.7 of this Section), to contact you regarding circumstances of execution of your submitted Order of Goods or to annul the order, including due to circumstances specified further in Clause 2.9 (in all cases, the Seller will make all efforts to inform the Customer as soon as possible about the status of the Order of Goods).
2.9. The Seller declares that all received Orders of Goods will be executed only if they are submitted by the Purchaser correctly on the Website. Correctly submitted Order of Goods means that all Buyer’s data, which is necessary for the submission and execution of the order, is submitted. Therefore, the Order of Goods will not be executed immediately and the Seller will have the rights specified Clause 2.8 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale Rules of Goods, if:
2.9.1. the Buyer will submit the wrong or inaccurate address of the delivery of the Goods;
2.9.2. we will not be able to contact the Buyer by the contact phone number or e-mail address that ar indicated on the Order of Goods, if it needs to be done;
2.9.3. The Seller will reasonably recognizes that the Buyer attempts to fraud, while submitting the Order of Goods; the fraud is any Buyer‘s action related to submission and proceeding of the Order of Goods, which violates applicable legal acts, such as: violation of the security of the Website (platform), use of the Website not according to its purpose, use of the username (e-mail address) and password (i. e. not your own) of the other Buyer or impeachment of another person and etc.
2.10.The Seller is not responsible for the damage, which is caused by the unauthorized use of the Account by the third parties. In case any other person logs in to the Account by breach of the Rules and submits the Order of Goods using the Account, and the Buyer did not notify the Seller in accordance with provisions of the Rules, it will be considered that the Buyer orders and (or) purchases such Goods.
2.11.The Seller informs that the Personal Data, which is provided in the Buyer's Account and upon the ordering of the Goods, will be used for the purposes of conclusion and execution of transactions on purchase- sale of the Goods on the Website (e-commerce purposes), in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy (the questions related to the processing of the Personal Data of the Buyer are discussed more broadly in the Privacy Policy). The Customer is also informed and agrees that the informational notices, which are necessary for execution of the Order of Goods, will be sent to e-mail address and (or) telephone number indicated by them.
3.1. ThepresentationoftheGoodsontheWebsitedoesnotcreateanyobligationstotheSeller.TheContract on the purchase-sale of the Goods between the Buyer and the Seller shall be deemed as concluded from the moment, when the Buyer receives the automatically generated Seller's e-mail, which contains all essential data of the Order of Goods (or equivalent message), which is specified in Clause 2.5 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, and is valid until full performance of obligations under this Contract. The possibility of the Buyer, who is the Consumer, to withdraw the Contract is discussed in Section 7 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
3.2. After the Buyer familiarizes with the Rules, agrees and obliges to comply with the Rules, the Buyer confirms that he does not object that the Rules would not be presented to them in writing (paper form), unless the parties of the Contract agrees otherwise. In all cases, if the Buyer wants to view, save and (or) print the Rules of the Purchase-Sale of the Goods, the Buyer can download the Rules from the Website or contact the Seller with the specific request by using the Seller’s contacts specified in Section 9 of the Rules of Purchase- Sale of Goods.
3.3. Together with the Order of Goods that is submitted by the Buyer on the Website, these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods and the other Rules, become the Contract between the Buyer and the Seller, which is the binding legal document for both parties of the Contract.
4.1. The prices of the Goods on the Website and in the Order of Goods are indicated near specific Goods in the official currency of the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with the requirements of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. The final price of the Goods with taxes, including VAT (if applicable), and shipping costs, is indicated after inserting Goods into the cart of the Goods and after entering into the cart of the Goods.
4.2. The Seller's Website indicates the final price of the Goods, which is valid for the delivery of such Goods in the territory of the European Union. Therefore, if the Goods are delivered outside the territory of the European Union, the Buyer will be responsible for the payment of taxes, which are related to the Goods, including, but not limited to any import, duty, VAT and other taxes, if applicable.
4.3. Discounts, which are applied to the Goods by the Seller, shall not be cumulated, unless otherwise is specified by the specific rules of the discounts or sales and is clearly stated and published on the Website and (or) in the any other document of the Rules.
4.4. The Buyer at his own discretion pays for the purchasing Goods and its shipping (if separately the fee of the delivery is applicable) in one of the following ways:
4.4.1. in the way of the payment for the Goods in advance (i. e. till the delivery and transfer of the Goods to the Buyer) (1) by bank transfer (e-banking) or (2) using an electronic payment service system Paypal. We want to draw your attention to the fact that in such case the specific rules of use of website and rules on processing of personal data indicated in the website, into which you are directed, may be applied. Therefore, we recommend you to familiarize with such rules before making the payment. We note that the Seller is not liable for the compliance of these website’s rules to the requirements of the legal acts.
4.5. After the Customer chooses to pay for the Goods in advance by bank transfer or through the electronic payment service system, the Customer obliges to pay for the ordered Goods immediately. The Goods will be started to prepare for the delivery and the deadline of the dispatch of the Goods, which is specified Clause 5.4 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods (i. e., the execution of the Order of Goods will start) will start only after the Seller receives the confirmation that your payment has been made. If the price of the Goods cannot be deducted from the Buyer's bank account for any reason (for example, the details of the payment were indicated incorrectly, etc.) within 7 (seven) working days from the date of submission of the Order of Goods on the Website (Section 2 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods) and the Buyer fails to fulfill the obligation to pay for the Goods, it will be deemed that the Buyer withdraws the Contract and the Seller has no obligations to the Buyer arising from the Contract.
4.6. In each case when the Buyer purchases the Goods, an Invoice will be presented to the Buyer along with the Goods. We want to draw your attention to the fact that if the Buyer is a VAT payer, Buyer's VAT payer’s code must also be indicated to the Seller.
4.7. The Seller has the right to change the prices of the Goods, which are specified on the Website, after the submission of Buyer’s order in case it is related to technical information system errors on the Website. When the price is changed by the Seller according to the circumstances specified above, the Seller informs the Buyer immediately and coordinates the further execution of the Order of Goods. If the Buyer disagrees to the change of the price of the Goods, the Buyer‘s order is annulled, and in case the Buyer has already paid for the Goods, the price and (or) the costs of the delivery of the Goods will be returned to the Buyer.
4.8. In case the Client wants to get more units of certain Goods than it is available on the Website and by using the Website submits a request to the Seller, the submission of the Order of Goods, specific terms of the execution and payment of the Order of Goods shall be coordinated under separate agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.
5.1. TheGoodscanbedeliveredtotheBuyerworldwide.
5.2. Under Buyer’s choice the ordered Goods can be transferred to the Buyer by delivering the Goods to the
address, which is specified by the Buyer, or to the nearest post office through the delivery services’ provider chosen by the Seller (courier services “TNT”, “FedEx”, “UPS” or postal services provider "Lietuvos paštas" (“Lithuanian Post”) (in this case, the Goods are sent by the registered mail). The Goods are usually delivered within 2-6 working days after dispatch day, using the “TNT “, “FedEx”, “UPS” services, and within 7-21 working days after dispatch day, using "Lietuvos paštas" services. The Seller seeks to ensure the high-quality, accurate and prompt delivery of the Goods, however, the Buyer understands that the delivery of the Goods can be late without the Seller’s fault. In all cases, the Seller is exempted from the liability for violation of the delivery terms, if the Goods are not delivered or delivered to the Buyer not complying with the terms, which are specified in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, not on the Seller's fault or due to circumstances beyond the Seller's control.
5.3. The fee for the delivery of the Goods (if applicable and (or) applicable depending on the chosen method of the delivery of the Goods) is clearly indicated on the Website at the moment of the submission of the Order of Goods.
5.4. Unless otherwise specified in the Website and (or) agreed between the Seller and the Buyer, the Goods are prepared for dispatch to the Buyer within 3-7 working days from the date of the occurrence of the circumstances specified in Clause 4.5 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods. The Buyer agrees that in the exceptional cases preparation of the Goods for dispatch may be delayed and the execution of the Order of Goods may take longer. In such case the Seller obligates to contact the Buyer immediately and agree with the Buyer on the other term of the delivery of the Goods or to annul the Order of Goods, if the Buyer desires so. In any case, when the Buyer is the Consumer, the Seller undertakes to deliver the Good to the Buyer not later than within 30 (thirty) days from the date of conclusion of the Contract.
5.5. In all cases the Seller is exempted from the liability for the violation of the term of the delivery of the Goods, if the Goods are not delivered to the Buyer in time because of the fault of the Buyer or due to circumstances beyond the Seller's control.
5.6. If the Goods are delivered to the Buyer, the Buyer obligates to accept the Goods personally. In that case, when the Buyer is unreachable at the address, which is specified in the Order of Goods, the person authorized by the Seller, who provides the Goods’ delivery services, has a right to transfer the Goods to any other adult, who has the proper capacity and submits the document confirming the payment for the Goods or other document confirming conclusion of the Contract or the right to accept the delivered items. In this case, the Buyer will not have the right to submit any claims to the Seller regarding delivery of the Goods to not authorized person.
5.7. It is deemed that the Goods are properly delivered to the Buyer, when the document confirming the delivery of the Goods, which is presented by the third party, who provides the delivery service, is signed (for example, a delivery note, invoice, etc.).
5.8. The Buyer confirms his acknowledgment with the fact that after the signing of the document confirming the transfer (delivery) of the Goods, the risk of accidental loss and (or) damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer.
5.9. ThequantityoftheGoodsandtheirpackaginghastobecheckedatthetimeofthedeliveryoftheGoods to the Buyer. If after the transfer of the Goods the Buyer determines that the quantity and (or) assortment and (or) assembly of the Goods is not correct, the Buyer must to inform the Seller immediately about these violations. The Buyer must to inform the Seller in writing about apparent defects of the quality of the Goods (broken packaging, quantity mismatches, apparent defects of the Goods, etc.) immediately, but not later than within 1 (one) day from the date of the transfer of the Goods (otherwise, after this term the Buyer will not have the right to submit any claims to the Seller regarding apparent defects of the transferred Goods and it will be deemed that the Seller transferred to the Buyer the Goods of a proper quality). In such cases Clause 6.1 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods applies. The defects of the Goods arising due to the Seller's fault in accordance with this Clause of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods shall be eliminated in accordance with the procedure and terms agreed between the Seller and the Buyer.
5.10.The Seller undertakes to return paid money to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Order of the Goods, if the Seller is not able to deliver the Goods ordered by the Buyer (and if it is not possible to offer similar or as similar as possible Goods with the consent of the Buyer) due to the important circumstances specified in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
6.1. If there is no warranty of quality for the certain type of Goods given by the producer, such Goods will be subject to the warranty of quality of Goods for 24 months (twenty four months) that is provided for by the applicable legal acts.
6.2. The Buyer, who purchased the Goods of improper quality, shall be entitled, at their own choice, by contacting the Seller using the contacts specified in Section 9 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods:
6.2.1. to demand from the Seller to eliminate the defects without any payment within a reasonable time; or
6.2.2. to replace the Goods of improper quality with the Good of the proper quality, except the case where
the defects of the Goods is small or it appeared because of the Buyer’s fault;
6.2.3. to demand from the Seller to reduce the price accordingly; or
6.2.4. unilaterally terminate the Contract, return the Goods and demand restoration of the price, when the
sale of the Goods of the improper quantity is the essential breach of the Contract.
6.3. The Buyer understands that the color, form and (or) other parameters of the Goods, which are displayed on the Website, may not correspond to the actual specifications of the Goods’ forms, color and (or) other parameters due to the technical features of the device used by the Buyer. Therefore, in case you require more detailed information, advice or instructions regarding our Goods, please contact the Seller directly by using the contacts specified in Section 9 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
6.4. The defects of the sold Goods are eliminated, the Goods of the improper quality are changed and returned in accordance with the applicable legal acts and the order specified in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
6.5. WhenreturningtheGoods,theBuyermustcomplywiththefollowingconditions:
6.5.1. the Goods has to be in the original orderly packaging (this Clause does not apply, if the returned Goods are in improper quality);
6.5.2. the Goods must be in good condition and not broken;
6.5.3. the Goods must not be used and not lost its sale appearance (this Clause does not apply, if the
returned Goods is in the improper quality);
6.5.4. the Goods must be in the same shape as the one that was purchased by the Buyer;
6.5.5. Goods’ purchase document must be provided.
6.6. The Seller has a right to refuse to accept returning Goods, if the Buyer does not comply with the procedure and conditions of the returning of the Good specified in this Clause.
6.7. The Buyer is responsible for the reduction of the value of the Good due to the actions / factors / circumstances that are not indispensable for the determination of the nature, characteristics, complexity and (or) operation of the Goods.
6.8. When the Goods of the improper quality are returned to the Seller, the costs of the returning of the Goods are reimbursed to the Buyer by the Seller.
6.9. If the Goods with defects are returned, it shall be returned by sending them to the Seller (using the services of the delivery service provider) to the Seller's address, which is specified in Section 9 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods (with the description "Returning of the Goods with defects"). You must return the Goods together with the document, which confirms the receipt of the Goods, which was received during the delivery of the Goods, and description of the defects, as well as your request (you can use the model form for withdrawal from the contract (by indicating the information about the defects of the Good)).
7.1. For Buyers, who are Consumers, defects of the sold Goods are eliminated, the Goods of improper quality or proper quality are replaced, returned and (or) the Contract are withdrawn in accordance with the applicable legal acts and in the order specified in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, taking into account specific rules specified in this Section of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods applicable to Consumers.
7.2. The Buyer, who is the Consumer, has the right, without any reasons, to withdraw from the Contract by informing the Seller in writing about this not later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day of the transfer (delivery) of the Goods. In such case, when the Contract covers and is concluded for the purchase of several Goods that are delivered to the Consumer separately, the right to withdraw from the Contract shall expire after 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day, on which the last Good according to the Contract was transferred (delivered). In order to withdraw from the Contract, the Consumer shall submit a free form request on return of the Goods to the Seller by using the contacts specified in Section 9 of these Rules of Purchase- Sale of Goods (the Consumer may also use a model form for withdrawal from the contract, which is added to these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods as Annex 1 (use of this form is optional)) and add the document confirming the purchase of the Goods from the Seller.
7.3. In case the Buyer under the procedure specified in this Section submits request on return of the Goods to the Seller, the Buyer, who is the Consumer, has to return the Goods (if they have already been transferred to the Buyer) to the Seller at Buyer’s own expenses not later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day the Seller submits the corresponding request, by sending it (using the services of the delivery service provider) to the Seller's address specified in the Section 9 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods.
7.4. The Seller must return all payments received from the Buyer, which is the Consumer, including the price of the delivery of the Goods, if it has been applied (except for the additional costs, which arose due to Buyer’s selection of the other than the usual cheapest method of delivery offered on the Website), immediately, but in any case not later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the day of receipt of the Buyer’s request on withdrawal from the Contract. The Seller returns paid money to the Buyer to the Buyer's bank account, from which the payment for the Goods was made, unless the Buyer agrees with another Seller's offer. We want to draw your attention to the fact that the Seller may not return the Buyer’s paid money (the price of the Goods and (or) costs of delivery) until the Goods are returned to the Seller or until the Consumer provides a proof that the Goods were sent to the Seller.
7.5. When the Consumer returns or replaces the Goods in accordance with the cases specified in Clauses 7.2-7.4 and 7.6 of these rules, the requirements specified in Clause 6.5 of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, applies.
7.6. The Buyer, who is the Consumer, has a right within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day of the receipt of the Goods, to replace the Goods by the analogy, but of the other dimensions, shape, color, pattern or completeness of the Goods. If the difference of the price is created during the change of the Goods, the Buyer must settle with the Seller, according to the recalculated prices of the Goods. The Buyer's request to change the Goods is satisfied, if all the conditions provided in Clause 7.5 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, are satisfied. In order to use this right, the Buyer must deliver the Goods to the Seller in the method, that is specified in Clause 7.3 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods and submit the original documents of the purchase of the Goods.
7.7. If the Seller does not have the proper Goods for the replacement, he informs the Buyer and the Buyer has the right within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day of the specific notice of the Seller, return the Goods to the Seller. In this case, the provisions of the replacement of the Goods of the proper quality applies. 7.8. If the Good is returned in accordance with the order specified in Clauses 7.2-7.4 of these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods or replaced by the other Goods, as specified in Clause 7.6 of Rules of Purchase- Sale of Goods, the Buyer is responsible for all costs of the return of the Goods.
7.9. We want to draw your attention to the fact that, if the Goods purchased on the basis of the Contract, are attributed and (or) recognized as pearls, precious stones, precious metals and their products in accordance with applicable legal acts, the request of the Buyer, who is the Consumer, to replace the purchased Goods of the proper quality by analogue Goods or return paid money, can be satisfied only with the consent of the Seller for the reasons specified in Article 6.362 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
8.1. The rules applicable for the applicable law and dispute resolution are specified in the Terms of Use of Website.
8.2. None of the parties of this Contract shall be liable for nonperformance of its obligations, improper performance of its obligations or delay to perform them, if such occurs due to force majeure circumstances, which are determined in accordance with the applicable law. Execution of the obligations of the parties is prolonged for the duration of the circumstances that are mentioned above.
8.3. Matters, which are related to the purchase of the Goods on the Website and use of the Website, which are not regulated in these Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, are regulated in the Instructions of Use of Website and other documents of the Rules.
9.1. If you want to inform about the violation of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, have any questions, claims or you need our help for interpretation or application of the Rules of Purchase-Sale of Goods, we kindly ask you to contact the Seller by the following customer service contacts:
The Seller’s contacts:
Uzdaroji akcine bendrove „TORVELA“
Smilgu str. 8, LT-00148 Palanga, the Republic of Lithuania
Uzdaroji akcine bendrove "TORVELA" (hereinafter in this document – the Seller) especially respects yours (hereinafter in this document – Visitors, Customers or Buyers) privacy, therefore, collects, stores, uses and discloses your personal data, including Personal Data, which you submit when using an electronic store managed by the Seller and available at (hereinafter in this document – the Website), only as described in this privacy policy (hereinafter – the Privacy Policy) and in accordance with the applicable legal acts.
1.1. In the Privacy Policy definitions and expressions, which are written in the capital letter, shall have the same meaning as defined in the Instructions of Use of Website, other documents of the Rules and (or) other requirements and instructions available on the Website, except the cases where for definitions in this document and written in the capital letter down below the specified meaning are given:
1.1.1. Personal Data – any information about you, as a natural person, whose identity has been identified or can be identified; the natural person, whose identity can be identified, is the person, whose identity can be identified directly (using an identifier such as name and surname, internet identifier) or indirectly (according to one or more physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity features).
1.1.2. Cookie – small file, which is sent into your browser and stored in your computer, mobile phone or other device, which you are using to connect to the Website.
2.1. The Seller ensures your Personal Data, which is submitted while using the Website tools, security and confidentiality under the terms and conditions that are set in the Privacy Policy.
2.2. By transmitting Personal Data through the Website, you confirm that you agree to the Privacy Policy and the Rules and also confirm that your Personal Data would be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
2.3. The Privacy Policy is mandatory to any person, who visits the Website and (or) by using its tools acquires Goods, and in the other way uses the Website, any services, tools available on the Website, or any content of the Website. If you disagree with this Privacy Policy or any of its provision, you cannot use the Website and any services, tools available on the Website, or any other content of the Website.
3.1. The Website creates an opportunity to use it anonymously, i. e. to use it in the way that only Anonymous Information would be collected about you through the Website’s tools. You can use the Website anonymously until you decide otherwise or until you decide to perform the actions, which requires to disclosure your Personal Data (for example, to create an Account or to connect to your Account, to place the Order of Goods and etc.).
3.2. We note that the Website automatically collects that Anonymous Data about you, which is in the Cookies’ files. More information about the use of the Cookies is given in the Section 9 of the Privacy Policy.
4.1. Each time the Visitor and (or) the Customer visits the Website, the Website’s servers temporarily save the information about the device, which is connecting, i. e. the Anonymous Information listed in Clause 3.2 of the Privacy Policy. In this procedure, regardless actions of the Visitor's and (or) the Customer's, the specified Anonymous Information is automatically collected and stored as long as it is deleted automatically and (or) manually. This Anonymous Information is collected and processed in order to allow the Visitor and (or) the Customer use the Website (to login) and in order to guarantee the constant security and stability of the system, technical administration of the network infrastructure, as well as to optimize the Website and, simultaneously, Seller's activities and for internal statistical purposes. In addition, the IP address may be investigated and used in the cases of the violation of the Rules, attacks on the Website’s infrastructure and in other cases where this is provided by the Privacy Policy or applicable legal acts.
4.2. While creating the Account or acquiring the Goods, including as a Guest, the Seller collects and stores Customer’s Personal Data that identifies the Customer. In such case, depending on the information actually provided by you, the following data, including Personal Data, may be collected and stored:
4.2.1. name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, information about a legal entity, when and if you are representing it, and any other information provided in your Account or when you are buying Goods as Guest;
4.2.2. for the purpose of the return of the Goods, bank account numbers can be collected (only from those Customers, who return the Goods);
4.2.3. IP address and Customer’s identifier (which is assigned by the system);
4.2.4. when the Buyer wants to receive the Invoice for the purchasing/ purchased Goods, for the purposes of invoicing – financial information, which you provide, when you are buying Goods, also VAT payer’s code, if applicable;
4.2.5. information about your actions that you perform on the Website as a Customer (including history of purchase of the Goods);
4.2.6. other information related to your actions performed while buying Goods on the Website, using the Website, including data about standard login information;
4.2.7. additional information from you or about you, which is not separately described in this document (for example, information, which is related to your applications to the Seller);
4.2.8. other information that you provided on the Website, including the choice of getting Seller’s newsletters or not, as is described in Section 5 of the Privacy Policy.
4.3. The main purpose of the collection of your Personal Data is to ensure that operations while performing actions on the Website and purchasing the Goods, would be executed smoothly and without interruptions, all operations would be safe, efficient and individually tailored. You agree and approve that the Seller has a right to use your Personal Data, including the data specified in Clause 4.2 of the Privacy Policy, for the following purposes:
4.3.1. to perform the e-commence, i. e. to conclude and perform sale-purchase contracts of the Goods with the Customers and (or) Buyers of the Website (Customer’s identification, sale of the Goods, delivery of the Goods, protection of violated rights and legitimate interests and enforcement, organization of the settlements and fulfillment of the other obligations arising from the relations of the sale-purchase of the Goods);
4.3.2. to perform the directly marketing in order to send you the newsletters (only with your separate consent);
4.3.3. to ensure an access to the services and information on the Website, also for the other purposes, which are indicated in the specific case, when the information is collected.
4.4. Submission of Personal Data specified in Clause 4.2 of the Privacy Policy and confirmation on its processing, are voluntary, but mandatory in order to ensure your appropriate and comprehensive use of the Website, including that the Seller could properly perform your submitted Orders of Goods.
4.5. The Seller stores the actual data about your purchases of the Goods. When you are the Customer and have the Account, you can receive all information about Orders of Goods submitted to the Seller, after you login to your Account. By using the tools installed in your Account, you can view your Orders of Goods and change your Personal Data. You must keep safe your Account’s access data and not disclose it to the third parties.
5.1. Only after receive your separate consent (e. g., submitted through the "check-box" window or in those cases, when you enter your e-mail address into the box, which is provided to order the Seller’s newsletters, or in the other way), by your provided contact e-mail we will send you the newsletters (Seller’s commercial / promotional information) – information about the Website, Seller’s services, Goods, outgoing campaigns, news and other. Your consent given to send you that information is voluntary and not mandatory for use of the Website or purchase of the Goods and can be canceled at any time by using the Website’s functionality, references provided in the sent e-mails or by contacting the Seller by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy. If you did not give the separate consent, but later you will decide to get newsletters mentioned in this Clause from the Seller, you can submit your request at any time by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy or by using other Website’s functionality. 5.2. In any case, you cannot refuse to receive administrative information, which is related to the purchase of the Goods, Services provided by the Seller or the Website (including the Rules) from the Seller. Also, you may not refuse to receive messages from the Seller, which provide the legal information related to purchase of the Goods and (or) use of the Website.
6.1. The Seller has a right to disclosure your Personal Data when it is required by the applicable legal acts, also in the context of implementing legal and reasonable, i. e. complying the requirements of the legal acts, Seller‘s policies and rules, e. g., while responding to received complaints or other complaints, when third parties rights and legitimate interests are violated, or in order to protect other persons, their legitimate interests or property.
6.2. With your separate consent, as it is set in Clause 4.3.2 and Chapter 5 of the Privacy Policy, the Seller has a right to disclosure your Personal Data to the third parties, in order to send you newsletters in the Seller’s name.
6.3. You agree and confirm that the Seller could provide your Personal Data:
6.3.1. to Seller’s partners – third parties, who are used by the Seller while executing Order of Goods or providing other services to you as a providers of Third Parties Services,. For example, to the Seller’s partners, who provide services of delivery of the Goods, collection of the payments, other services that were ordered by the Customer, also to the Seller’s partners, who provide the Website’s assistance and (or) maintenance, other services that help the Seller to develop activities or perform other operations on the Website;
6.3.2. to the other third parties, when you submit appropriate request to submit your Personal Data (or to the third parties, about who you are clearly informed in the other way and providing of the information is agreed while using the specific service);
6.3.3. to the other business subjects, in case the Seller merges with the other legal entity, the Seller acquires the other legal entity or the other legal entity acquires the Seller, also in cases where the Website or assets related to the Website would be transferred.
6.4. In the cases specified in Clause 6.3 of the Privacy Policy, the Seller will transfer a minimum amount of your Personal Data. In the other cases, without your clearly expressed consent (prior or separate), the Seller will not transfer your Personal Data to the third parties, except the cases where it is necessary to be done in order to implement provisions of the Privacy Policy or if the Seller would be legally bound to do so.
7.1. While registering (the Customer), i. e. opening (creating) the Account on the Website, or acquiring the Goods as a Guest, you will be asked to submit your Personal Data.
7.2. When you become the Customer and create the Account, you can log in to your Account and independently manage your Personal Data, which is submitted in the registration form (to change and update).
7.3. Your password is your key to your Account. While creating your password, please use unique numbers, letters and special signs and do not disclosure your password to anyone. You can change your password at any time by logging in to your Account. If you forget your password or have any other problems while logging in, we kindly ask you to contact the Seller by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy.
7.4. If you disclosure your password or any other information about your Account to the other persons, you will be liable for all and any actions performed while using your Account. We note that in case you are connecting to the Website while using the shared or public computer, some information about you may be visible for other persons, who will use the computer after you. If you use the computer jointly with other persons, you have to log out, when you finish using your Account. It is necessary even then, when you leave the computer just for a moment. In such a way you will be ensured that the other persons would not see, use or change your information or data.
7.5. If you lose your password, you may not control actions made with your Personal Data and the obligations could be taken in your name, for which will be responsible. Therefore, if you suspect that anyone else could use your password, you have to inform the Seller as soon as possible by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy, and change your password, which is used to log in to your Account.
7.6. If your Personal Data is changed or it is inaccurate, you understand and undertake to update your Personal Data while using the Website‘s functionalities or contacting the Seller as soon as possible by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy.
7.7. If you do not want to use the Account anymore and want that your Account would be deleted, you have to submit the request to the Seller by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy. The Seller has a right to process your Personal Data till deletion of your Account under provisions of the Privacy Policy and (or) Rules. Your Account and your Personal Data are deleted under the provisions of the Privacy Policy and Rules. You may lose the access to your data, which is in the Account, after the deletion of your Account, unless the Privacy Policy or Rules provide otherwise.
7.8. In order to ensure the implementation of the Personal Data collection purposes provided in the Privacy Policy, your Personal Data may be stored for a period not exceeding 2 (two) years, calculated it from the last your access to your Account, the last your purchase of the Goods while using the Website as a Guest or when Personal Data is processed for the purpose provided in Clause 4.3.2 of the Privacy Policy, from the moment you give the consent, except exceptions provided in the applicable legal acts.
8.1. The Seller, first of all, seeks to ensure the his Visitor‘s, Customer‘s and (or) Buyer‘s data security. To ensure the security of transferred information and data, the Seller implements technical and organizational measures, corresponding the threats of security of services’ provision. The Seller uses reasonable physical, electronic and procedural measures and methods in order to protect the information from loss, theft or any unauthorized use, disclosure or alteration.
8.2. All the connections related to Buyer’s performed payment for the Goods, when selected by the Buyer, will be conducted by establishing a secure connection with the website of third party.
8.3. We want to draw you attention that despite the fact that the Seller uses appropriate above indicated measures, the Seller may not guarantee and not guarantee security of your Personal Data, because it is submitted and collected via internet. Also, the measures implemented by the Seller may be insufficient, if you do not comply with the security rules. First of all, the Customers must do not disclosure their Account access data to the third parties. Please note that the Website will ask you to submit your e-mail and password just when you try to log in to your Account. In order to prevent unauthorized persons from access to your Account, please disconnect from your Account and (or) Website after using it.
8.4. By your actions you can also reduce the risk of unauthorized access to Personal Data, if you act with caution and choose smart security measures, such as choosing a complex password, using the latest anti-virus software, etc.
8.5. You have a right to ask the Seller to provide you with all information about your Personal Data that is processed by the Seller, you also have a right to ask the Seller to correct (change, supplement, and update) or delete such data, or to restrict processing of such data under the applicable legal acts. You also have a right to object to processing of Personal Data and withdraw the given consent for the processing of Personal Data for direct marketing purposes under the procedures provided in this Privacy Policy, without prejudice to legitimacy of processing of data based on such consent till the withdrawal of the consent, also you have the right to the transferability of the Personal Data. If you want to use these rights, we kindly ask you to contact the Seller by the contacts indicated in Clause 11.2 of the Privacy Policy. We also inform that you have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in case you think that your rights related to processing of Personal Data, are infringed.
9.1. The Cookies are used in the Website. The Seller uses Cookies indicated in Clause 9.4 of the Privacy Policy for the following purposes:
9.1.1. for proper functioning of the Website and improvement of your browsing experience (e. g., keeping your session after access and etc.);
9.1.2. for collection of statistical Website data (including Website’s traffic calculation) and development of the Website.
9.2. The first time you access our website, there is an information line, which contains a link directing to this Privacy Policy with all the information about cookies, which are installed and used on this Website. By continuing to browse the Website or clicking the button "x", you confirm, that you agree and allow the Website’s controller to install cookies to your terminal device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). In any case, Cookies are controlled by you. Therefore, you can opt out or delete them at any time.
9.3. You can block the use of the Cookies and remove cookies at any time by using your browser software. For more information on how to manage the Cookies in your browser, see the "Help" tab on the internet browser's menu. However, we want draw your attention to the fact, that in this case you may not be able to fully use all the features of the Website, because blocking or deleting the Cookies may affect some of the features of the Website.
9.4. We want to notice that the Seller’s partners or third parties, who are not controlled by the Seller, also can use the Cookies. For actions of these persons the Seller cannot be and is not liable. If you suspect that without your permission the Seller’s partners or the third parties, who are not controlled by the Seller, are using the Cookies, you have to contact the specific Seller’s partners or third parties.
10.1. This Privacy Policy covers use and disclosure of that information, which we are collecting from you through the Website, unless otherwise is clearly stated in the Privacy Policy. If you through the Website or other internet websites disclose your Personal Data for other persons, no matter they are Customers or third parties, other rules may be applied to use and disclosure of appropriate information.
10.2. The Seller does not control privacy policies and (or) other rules that are applied to you by the third parties. Therefore, you, at your own discretion and risk, are liable and obligated to comply with them in those cases, when it is applied to you. The Seller is not liable for other Websites’ privacy policies or any other content, when reference to the other Websites are given on the Website, or the reference to the Website is given on other websites. Those websites may have their own privacy policies, with which you are recommended to get acquainted. When you are pressing the reference, logo or any other element of the Website, or when using the services available in the Website, we notice that at the time, when you press any mentioned element, you may leave the Website.
10.3. The Seller does not collect any information about you from third parties, except the cases specified in the Privacy Policy or in the Rules, also when the legal acts’ requirements or the Rules are infringed, or third parties rights’ are infringed.
11.1. ThePrivacyPolicyisintegralandinseparablepartoftheRules.Matters,whicharenotregulatedby this Privacy Policy, are regulated by the Instructions of Use of Website and other documents of the Rules. 11.2. If you need help or have any questions and (or) claims related to the Privacy Policy and (or) its application, we kindly ask you to contact the Seller by using the following contacts and we will answer into all your requests under the procedure established in the Instructions of Use of Website.
The Seller’s contacts:
Uzdaroji akcine bendrove „TORVELA“
Smilgu str. 8, LT-00148 Palanga, the Republic of Lithuania
Please take a look at our catalog and let us know which products and what quantities you are interested in purchasing. We will contact you regarding the pricing, producing time, and other details directly.
Credit / Debit Cards
Bank Transfer (please contact us directly regarding this payment option)